Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards 2013
LALYs 2013
DG Legal would like to offer our congratulations to all those short-listed for the awards and to the ultimate winners.
The winners of this year’s awards were:
- Outstanding achievement
Raju Bhatt, Bhatt Murphy - Criminal defence lawyer
Margaret Gordon, Christian Khan/Imran Khan & Partners - Legal aid firm
Makin Dixon, Bradford - Legal aid barrister
Jane Hoyal, 1 Pump Court - Immigration lawyer
Hilton von Herbert, Hackney Community Law Centre - Mental health lawyer
Richard Nicholas, RMNJ Solicitors - Social and welfare lawyer
Russell Conway, Oliver Fisher - Family legal aid lawyer
Colin Mackey, Churchers, Bolitho Way - Legal aid newcomer: lawyer
Nadia Salam, GT Stewart Solicitors - Legal aid newcomer: barrister
Leonie Hirst