Inquests Following Deaths In The Community: Protecting The Right To Life Webinar
Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights is the right to life and includes an obligation to hold an enhanced investigation into a person’s death in certain circumstances. An Article 2 compliant investigation is often vitally important in order to identify and learn from state failings, and an equally important way for bereaved families to ensure that the same failings are not repeated.
In this free webinar held on 7 January 2021, Anna Morris, Kate Stone & Christian Weaver from Garden Court North Chambers Inquests and Inquiries team discussed the development of the law on Article 2 as it relates to deaths in the community and the circumstances in which Article 2 might arguably be engaged.
Target Audience
This webinar is aimed at legal practitioners and those working with them.
The recording and slides were available for three months following the event.
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Anna Morris, Garden Court North Chambers
Anna specialises in civil liberties, human rights and private & public law claims involving public authorities. Her practice includes inquests, civil actions against the police, judicial review and international public law. Anna acts for bereaved families and claimants in private and public law proceedings.

Kate Stone, Garden Court North Chambers
Kate specialises in human rights and public law, with an emphasis on inquests, judicial review and civil actions against public authorities. She has a developing Court of Protection practice. Kate was instructed as junior counsel for 22 families in the Hillsborough inquests.

Christian Weaver, Garden Court North Chambers
Christian has a fast-growing multidisciplinary practice encompassing criminal law, inquests & public inquiries, prison law and immigration & asylum law. He receives regular instructions to represent those with drug misuse issues, mental health difficulties & vulnerable young people.