Legal Aid Contract Webinar
We held a one hour webinar on 26 September 2018 to assist individuals new to legal aid, as we think it is essential that they understand the basics of operating a legal aid contract.
Key Content
- Setting up your firm on CWA/CCMS
- Monthly legal help billing – how to; deadlines; how firms are paid etc.
- Maintaining compliance – annual CM visits, audits and KPIs
- Using CCMS and managing certificated cases, payments on accounts
- Key changes to the 2018 Contract
I would be interested to know more about how the detained duty advice schemes are running, requirements, and how to claim for billing for those matters. This is something new and how the contract managers will be looking to assess these matters?
“Detained Duty Advice Scheme/Detained Duty Advice Surgery” means the special arrangements, which are subject to Schedule authorisation, to deliver an advice surgery at the designated IRCs.
You must have specific authorisation to undertake this work in your Contract Schedule (Specification 8.5) although some exceptions do apply (Specification 8.6)
Details about the scheme can be found in the Immigration section of the LAA’s 2018 Standard Civil Contract Training (Category Specific Rules) and rates payable can be found in the Remuneration Regulations, Schedule 1 Table 4(d) – links to both of these documents can be found below.
Do the KPIs apply to claims for certificates commenced under the old contract, or will the LAA be applying two different sets of KPIs while the certs under the old contract wind down (presumably, for years)?
Current KPIs will apply to all claims made after 1.9.18, irrespective of whether they were started under this or previous Contracts. This is because the activity (i.e. billing the file) is taking place within the current contracting period.
What is the difference between KPI 4A and KPI 5 (other than the % figure)?
KPI4A measures rejection rates for civil applications. A reject is when an application is returned to you for a technical reason e.g. online application incomplete or information which should have been sent is missing. The KPI here is 5%.
KPI5 measures refusals of applications. A refusal is on the grounds that the client is not eligible for funding. The KPI here is 15%.
Can you kindly clarify the position with interpreters? Where can I find the clause where it is required that they have to have some qualification as discussed – maybe I missed something?
See Contract Specification clauses 2.47-2.51 (and clause 2.48 in particular regarding currently acceptable qualifications).

Steve Keeling | Consultant | DG Legal
Steve joined DG Legal after leaving the Legal Aid Agency in August 2016. In his 17 years at the LAA, he worked in the audit team as both auditor and manager and was a Contract Manager for several years. Steve brings important insights into the way the LAA thinks about provider and contract management and provides useful information on how to best prepare for audit activity.

David Gilmore | Director and Founder | DG Legal
David has provided advice and assistance to hundreds of law firms and other legal organisations. He delivers specialist consultancy and training on a wide range of topics including business management and strategy, tendering, compliance and quality assurance. In 2016 David was appointed as a Commissioner advising Lord Bach on policy relating to Justice and Legal Aid.