Third Party Managed Accounts Webinar
Although not yet widespread, more law firms are starting to consider the use of a Third Party Managed Accounts (TMPA) as an alternative to handling client money. Solicitors can outsource the operation of its client account to a separate FCA-regulated entity.
On 3 November 2020 we held a free webinar with Darren Whelan of The Institute of Legal Finance and Management (ILFM) and Geoff Dunnett of Shieldpay to provide firms with an increased understanding and explain the many benefits of Third Party Managed Accounts.
Key Content
- Overview of Third Party Managed Accounts
- How Third Party Managed Accounts work for law firms
- Benefits and added protection of Third Party Managed Accounts
- Q&A
We are pleased to share a copy of the Third Party Managed Accounts Webinar Slides with you.

Darren Whelan, Director of Education and Development, ILFM
Darren has over 20 years’ experience within legal finance, working both in practice and within the legal IT industry. Darren is currently the Director of Education & Development where he is responsible for managing the education and development for the Institute, including training and qualifications to ensure the consistently high standards of the Institute.

Geoff Dunnett, Professional Services Director, Shieldpay
Geoff Dunnett is director of Shieldpay Professional Services. Geoff is a qualified solicitor and practised as a project finance lawyer at Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy and Mayer Brown, before working as an independent legal consultant to start-ups and lastly as a business associate for Techstars -Barclays tech accelerator. Geoff’s transactional law experience has helped form the functionality of Shieldpay’s third-party-managed account and corporate escrow offering.

David Gilmore, Director, DG Legal
David founded DG Legal in 2000. He has provided advice and assistance to hundreds of law firms and other legal organisations. He delivers specialist consultancy and training on a wide range of topics including business management & strategy, tendering, compliance and quality assurance. In 2016 David was appointed as a Commissioner advising Lord Bach on policy relating to Justice and Legal Aid.